This page will give you some guidance regarding careers that either require a Physics qualification or where it is desireable. 

Careers involving Physics.doc Careers involving Physics.doc
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This web page shows a list of careers that involve Physics. 

Careers involving Physics

(For some of these careers Physics is essential, for others preferable)

Aeronautical Engineer

Air Traffic Controller




Chemical Engineer

Civil Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Electronics Engineer

Forensic Scientist


Mechanical Engineer

Medical Physicist




Pilot (RAF)

Quantity Surveyor


Software Engineer

Space Scientist

Structural Engineer

Physics Teacher

Veterinary Surgeon


In March Mrs Jenks was able to visit CERN with other Physics teachers from the UK. Here is a photostory to give you an idea about what you could expect to see.

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November 2012 - Year 14 enjoyed a lecture given by Dr Steve Myers at Banbridge Academy. He is an engineer at CERN and gave us a brief history CERN along with the progress of the LHC and the search for the Higgs Boson.

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